April 26, 2024 | Vol. 53, Issue 8

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Top News

Rally for prison building moratorium

Prison activity: covid, VOTES, and moratorium

There has been significant activity around legislation relating to Massachusetts prisons, while simultaneously, facilities operated by the Department of Corrections (DOC) have seen a decline in COVID-19 cases. Political leaders have been pushing to pass the Prison Moratorium Bill, which would freeze new prison construction projects for five years. In addition, the VOTES Act was passed in the Senate, giving incarcerated people the ability to vote in elections. According to the DOC’s Special Master’s Report, on August 16, there were […]

15 minute neighborhood

15 minutes for equitable living

During a forum held by the Boston Foundation on September 24, the Boston Indicators and the Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s (MHP) Center for Housing Data released a report, titled 15-Minute Neighborhoods: Repairing Regional Harms and Building Vibrant Neighborhoods for All. A 15-minute neighborhood is defined as one where living necessities, including grocery stores, hospitals, schools and even recreational outdoor space, are all accessible to residents within a fifteen minute walk from their homes. Yet, while many use this buzzword to simply […]

Gun lobbyists

Gun Lobbyists Target Asian Americans

Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic over a year ago, individuals and organizations alike have been concerned about an ongoing problem: reactive violence toward the Asian American community. While many have advocated for Asian and Asian American safety through advertising campaigns, local events, and city politics, one industry in particular has taken to this tumultuous time as a unique marketing opportunity – the firearms industry. With the ever growing population of Asian Americans, gun lobbyists have shifted their sights […]

Clean energy

Catalyst, DICES, and Diversity in Clean Energy

Since 2012, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) has awarded $7.2 million to 138 new clean technology enterprises and research teams. In late August of 2021, the MassCEC, MassVentures and the InnovateMass program launched a $2.6 million grant package with their Catalyst and Diversity in Cleantech – Early Stages (DICES) programs to support clean energy innovation, specifically from women or minority-owned startups. The programs aim to ensure that early-stage ventures have the necessary resources to advance critical technologies toward sustainable, […]

Chinatown Businesses

The American Rescue Plan — Rescues in Chinatown

Mayor Kim Janey announced on August 10 that she had proposed a $50 million emergency relief plan “to support an equitable recovery and reopening for Boston residents, workers and small businesses, using funding the City of Boston has received from the federal government following the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP),” according to a press release from the City of Boston. Boston is expecting to receive Over $500 million through ARP through the end of 2024. While many Chinatown […]

Truffle crab cream udon

Sounds of udon at Tsurutontan

Tsurutontan is a Japanese udon restaurant chain where the founder opened his first restaurant in Osaka, Japan in 1979. Then, in 1989, the first TsuruTonTan-Noodle Craftsman’s Hospitality restaurant opened up after the founder did extensive research on various styles of udon noodles. Their first international location outside of Japan was opened in 2016 in New York City. Now, they have expanded their locations to include Boston, another Manhattan location, and one in Hawaii. According to their website, the restaurant name […]

Cavendish Game Birds

Balut brings business to Cavendish Game Birds

On a recent journey to southern Vermont, I visited Cavendish Game Birds to tour the facility and learn more about their captivating success story during this pandemic. Cavendish was established in 1988 by Bill Thompson, a chef who initially started raising pheasants, selling them to local restaurants. His brother, Rick, was convinced to join his brother’s endeavor, and in 1998, they purchased a 75-acre farm in Springfield, Vermont.  They started selling other game birds as well, from quail to ducks. Over the […]

Shang Chi film

Shang-Chi: the success of cinematic Asian-American representation

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings made history on September 3, 2021 as the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to feature an Asian lead. Just days later, it became the new record holder of highest grossing film during Labor Day weekend, and the highest grossing overall during the COVID-19 pandemic, having earned $71.4 million at the box office. Shang-Chi is an adaptation of a Marvel Comics storyline with dated origins that has been brought back […]

Massachusetts aids in Hurricane Ida recovery

On August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana. A Category 4 storm, nearly reaching category 5, Ida is now the second most damaging hurricane to hit the area after Katrina, which made landfall exactly 16 years prior. Ida brought extreme flooding and sustained winds moving at a high of 150 miles per hour as it tore through the state and made its way up to the Northeast. On September 1 through September 2, Ida weakened to a tropical […]

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