March 21, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 6

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Boston’s Vietnamese Community largely invisible in the news, civic leaders say Advocates point to lack of political representation, Asian journalists, vocal leaders

This story was reported and written by Boston University students Mitch Fink, Frankie Puleo, Audrey Tumbarello and Ella Willis. The students were participants in the Fall 2023 Race and Gender in the Media Class in the College of Communications. Photos are by Mitch Fink. The Vietnamese-American community has long been a thriving force in Fields Corner. They have raised families, built businesses and transformed a busy Dorchester Avenue stretch into Little Saigon, rich with cultural experiences. But aside from cuisine […]

Health Connector Partners With El Mundo to Kick Off Health Coverage Enrollment Campaign in Fenway Park

BOSTON, MA — Sunday, June 11, 2023 – The Massachusetts Health Connector partnered with El Mundo Boston for “Tu Salud” Health and Wellness Fair at Fenway Park on June 11, partnering with local Navigator organizations to provide on-site, multilingual enrollment assistance. “Tu Salud” is a free, first-of-its-kind Latino Fair and Wellness Fair catered to Latino families in Greater Boston that provided a unique opportunity for the Latino community to connect with health care providers, services and health care coverage information. […]

Tufts University Organizes Chinatown Neighborhood Spring Cleanup

On Wednesday, May 10, Tufts University hosted its 3rd annual Cherish Chinatown Cleanup, a spring neighborhood cleanup in Boston’s Chinatown, the home of the university’s Health Sciences Campus. Over one hundred Tufts students, faculty, and staff volunteers participated in the effort, picking up trash, working on landscaping projects and cleaning up sidewalks, all while learning more about the neighborhood and ways to continue or begin involvement with local nonprofit community partners.   With the support of Tufts University’s office of Government and […]

Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center Legal Workshop: Wills and Trusts

Have you ever been confused about how to properly distribute your estate to your family, or have you never thought about the distribution of property? Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age was honored to hold a legal workshop on “Wills and Trusts” on April 5th in Hong Lok House Activity Center, Boston’s Chinatown (25 Essex St., Boston, MA 02111). Senior lawyers were invited to help the elderly. The speakers were Peter Bellotti, Joe Markey and Julia Hogan from Bellotti Law Group. […]

Opinion: New Rowhouse Protection Areas Can Help Stabilize Chinatown

Over the last 60 years, the buildings in Chinatown and the people who live and work there, have undergone massive changes. The Boston Planning and Development Authority (BPDA) relaunched its lapsed PLAN: Downtown in November with an added focus on post-pandemic revitalization and stands to bring yet another wave of changes. The plan will culminate in new zoning guidelines governing land use, allowable heights, and density, and will encourage mixed use development and a more predictable system of trading larger […]

China’s Life and Death Battle Against COVID

Even two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the contrast between case counts in the United States and China—where the outbreak began—are startling. In China, the number of total confirmed COVID cases stood at 143,624 by Feb. 14, with 5,706 deaths and 9,017 currently positive with the disease. That’s in a nation of over 1.4 billion people. By the same day, the US had clocked in a total of 79,325,576 confirmed Covid cases, a devastating 943,411 deaths, and 28,545,272 currently testing […]

Mass Health Connector Opens its Doors

The Massachusetts Health Connector, the health insurance exchange for the Commonwealth, has reopened its public walk-in center in Boston, providing the option for members and applicants to receive in-person assistance.

Funding Received to Support Boston’s Seniors

Boston Senior Home Care, a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to caregivers, older Americans, and people with disabilities in low-income households, was awarded a grant of $721,800. Given by the Age Strong Commission, Boston’s Area Agency on Aging, the funding comes directly from Title IIIE of the Older Americans Act (OAA). The OAA was passed back in 1965, as a response to the need for stronger support systems for older and aging Americans. With this grant, Boston Senior Home Care […]

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