April 26, 2024 | Vol. 53, Issue 8

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England


From Jane’s Desk.  Should you get a prenuptial agreement before marriage?

Dear Jane Not many people are able (or willing) to honestly answer this question. I have a friend who is requiring that his fiancee sign a pre-nup. In this COVID-19 world, it seems this might be a prerequisite for any relationship. There’s a considerable disparity between his wealth and his bride-to-be, and he has been advised to present this to her just so he can cover his assets if things go bad. My question: Can a pre-nup ever be considered […]

Child Tax Credit

Protecting Your Child Tax Credit

Within the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, a federal program supplying economic relief to those impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, is the additional Child Tax Credit program. The Child Tax Credit is a payment received by working families that qualify for financial help to support their children. Thanks to the ARP, it is the highest child tax credit in American history, with thousands of families automatically receiving payment already. By July of this year, most saw their money rolling in […]

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