March 21, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 6

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Mental Health Among Immigrants, Minorities Often Gets Overlooked

National Minority Health Awareness Month was in April, bringing awareness to the challenges immigrants and people of color in the U.S. face when seeking access to health care. But what’s less often discussed is mental health support. Psychologists, researchers, and governmental institutions are increasingly calling attention to the mental health of immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, as studies and statistics have shown that they experience extreme stress, consistent vulnerability, and life-long health consequences due to the inability to receive psychological […]

Increased Demand for Air Travel Means Emissions are Taking Off

As the airline industry faces growing challenges from shifts in consumer demand and sky-high jet fuel prices, one major problem persists: massive emissions created by air travel. Flying is one of the most carbon-intensive activities on the planet, and despite an overall surge in travel, some have even jumped on the bandwagon of the Swedish movement of “Flygskam”, which translates to “flight shame,” a term attributed to Swedish singer Staffan Lingberg, who gave up flying in 2017. Several airlines, however, […]

Hope is On the Rise For the Boston Housing Crisis

On February 28, 2024, MassHousing and the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC) announced their partnership in launching and growing a new $50 million Equitable Developers Fund. This fund aims to diversify and accelerate Massachusetts’ housing delivery system by providing enterprise-level financing to active but underrepresented developers from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. This fund marks a huge moment as it is the largest publicly led financing program in the country.  In Massachusetts, the median price for a single-family home was […]

Anti-Asian Bias Sometimes Is Disguised in ‘Microaggressions’

As the Asian American population — the nation’s fastest-growing racial group — gains a larger and larger presence, it still faces persistent discrimination, according to several surveys and reports. But the form of that discrimination doesn’t always appear in traditionally noticeable ways — sometimes it’s clear acts of hate, while other times it’s workplace or school bullying, and other times, subtle “microaggressions” or “accentism.” Small Acts, Big InfluencesOne particularly disturbing form of discrimination has become known as the microaggression. These […]

The Devastating Impact of Gun Violence Upon Victims and Loved Ones: But New Data Points to Positive Trend in Human Behavior

Year-end prognisticators and ruminators spent the last few weeks of 2023 compiling and discussing their “best of” lists in newspaper articles, podcasts, and news programs. An unfortunate record broken by early December 2023 was the record-breaking 636 mass shootings, resulting in at least 2500 deaths. As noted in The Daytona Beach Journal, 2023 was the second bloodiest year since 2021, when 690 mass shootings were reported. “Mass” shootings are defined as 4 or more people, which makes the “smaller” homicidal […]

Four Months After the Supreme Court Ruled Against the Use of Race in Admissions

It all began with U.S. Supreme Court justices hearing two cases: Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. These lawsuits argued that affirmative action was actively discriminating against Asian American applicants and, in the case of UNC, white students as well. For decades, colleges and universities have debated the consideration of race or ethnicity in the admission process for higher education. In June of this year, […]

Celebrating the Resiliency of Philippines

Filipino American History Month is annually celebrated in October, to honor the day of the first arrivals of Filipinos in Morro Bay, California in the United States on October 18, 1587. This year, Sampan had the opportunity to speak with John F Maisto, President of the Washington based US -Philippines Society. He explained, “Filipino American History Month is an opportunity to focus on everything Filipino that we have in our country” Politically, this important month marks 75 years of bilateral […]

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