March 7, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 5

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Quincy Asian Resources Inc. Lunar New Year celebration

The Year of the Ox brings opportunities in a time of crisis

Celebrating the Year of the Ox, many are hopeful of the year to come, as the Ox represents strength and change. In this time of crisis, due to the pandemic and rise of Asian hate crime, the symbol of the Ox has created an opportunistic outlook for many organizations, schools, and families as they virtually gather to celebrate this year’s Lunar New Year. Remarkably, they have fostered a new sense of creativity and vigor as they seek to provide a […]

Wen-hao Tien wields metaphorical meanings in her new exhibit: Home On our Backs

Photo: Wen-Hao Tien’s Home on Our Backs: Dust to Mountains, Red Dress, and Nostalgia at the Pao Arts Center 2021 (Photo courtesy of Warren Patterson Photography) “We believe mountains can be moved, that worlds exist within a rock, and respond emotionally to the color red.” These metaphorical words perfectly exemplify Wen-Hao Tien’s new exhibit at the Pao Arts Center: Home on our Backs.  Originally, Tien is trained in calligraphy and monochrome works, but she has recently taken a turn into […]

Councilor Ed Flynn addresses concerns in Boston Public Schools panel

BPS Panel on concerns of the AAPI community

Councilor Ed Flynn hosted a panel discussion with Superintendent Brenda Cassellius to address the concerns with the immigrant Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in regards to Boston Public Schools (BPS). This discussion provided a long-awaited platform for AAPI educators to express their concerns while sharing their vision for an inclusive and anti-racist education structure.  Given the Boston AAPI community’s long history of being silenced and unheard within the system, Ed Flynn, District 2 councilor, reasserted that, “our Asian community […]

Lifting up Chinatown through Creative Placemaking

Walking through the streets of Chinatown, you may notice colorful murals and beautiful structures decorating the neighborhood.  These pieces are known as ‘creative placemaking’, a practice used in community development and urban planning since the 1960s. Art is used as a strategy in strengthening local historically disinvested places to cultivate culture. Simply put, residents gather together within the community and become their own artists as they revitalize unused spaces or create public art. Successful creative placemaking leverages existing creative potential. […]

Quincy Asian Resource Inc. hosts 33rd annual August Moon Festival – but this time it was virtual

The August Moon Festival is a global tradition in Asian communities for families to reunite and celebrate with the ones they love. What better time to celebrate such an event with your family than during quarantine. Quincy Asian Resources Inc. (QARI)  hosted its 33rd annual August Moon Festival on Aug. 15 through Facebook live and QATV. This is the first time in the past decades that this event was moved to a virtual setting. Despite the hardships during Covid-19, the […]

Light installation at Chinatown park seeks public input

Artist Yu-wen Wu sought public input for her light installation at the Chinatown Gate on Feb. 6 at the Pao Arts Center. (Image courtesy of Mandy Sun. ) Artist Yu-Wen Wu hosted a community listening session Feb. 6 at the Pao Arts Center on her upcoming light installation at Chin Park. Wu is a local artist who emigrated from Taiwan. Her artwork examines displacement, immigration and identity. Wu was selected by a jury of Chinatown community members to create a […]

Year of the Rat brings lion dance parade to Chinatown

Lion dancers from Woo Ching’s White Crane Kung Fu parade down Tyler Street in Chinatown Feb. 2. (Image courtesy of Mandy Sun.) The sounds of firecrackers and drums echoed throughout Chinatown Feb. 2 for the annual Chinese New Year parade, held on the second Sunday after Lunar New Year began Jan. 25. Lion dancers in bright colors traveled to 150 stores in the neighborhood. A steady beat by the drums and a masked Happy Buddha dancer accompanied the lions. The […]

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