March 21, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 6

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Encore up to the challenge of operating casino during a pandemic

How does a casino operate during a pandemic given that the very existence of the business depends on the interaction of gamblers and staff? Whether craps, baccarat, blackjack or poker, there’s an inherent need for personal engagement at the table. So when the Encore Boston Harbor casino in Everett reopened on July 12, the challenge to meet the six-foot social distancing requirement, shielding players from each other at the table, as well as other Covid-19 safety measures, was a daunting […]

2020 Census takers will be going door-to-door this month as the push is on to get household members to respond

Chinatown and Asians in Boston showing a low response rate If you haven’t responded to the 2020 Census questionnaire, then you could hear a knock on your door this month. The deadline for completing the U.S. Census Bureau questionnaire was extended three months because of the Covid-19 pandemic to Oct. 31, but that date has been cut back a month, and now will end Sept. 30. However, the Census Bureau is not waiting for households to voluntarily participate; it’s go-time for […]

2020 Census takers will be going door-to-door this month as the push is on to get household members to respond

Chinatown and Asians in Boston showing a low response rate If you haven’t responded to the 2020 Census questionnaire, then you could hear a knock on your door this month. The deadline for completing the U.S. Census Bureau questionnaire was extended three months because of the Covid-19 pandemic to Oct. 31, but that date has been cut back a month, and now will end Sept. 30. However, the Census Bureau is not waiting for households to voluntarily participate; it’s go-time for […]

Tufts Medical Center epidemiologist discusses Chinatown Covid-19 test results

Low number of Asian residents tested is concerning and perplexing Tufts Medical Center opened a Covid-19 screening clinic on March 31 at Chinatown’s Josiah Quincy Elementary School and has provided mobile testing at senior housing complexes in the neighborhood. The goal is to make testing readily accessible for people who live in the area code of 02111, especially Chinatown. It is one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Boston, which makes it a high-risk area for a cluster outbreak of Covid-19, […]

City and state take emergency actions to contain coronavirus

The usually bustling State House was very quiet as the public stayed away and most legislative offices operated with a “skeleton staff” as one legislator put it. (Photo by Ken Smith) By Ken Smith Sweeping measures were taken in the city of Boston and throughout the state to constrain the coronavirus (Covid-19), guided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On March 10, Gov. Charlie Baker declared a state of […]

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