March 7, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 5

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

Book Banning Escalates in US Public Schools and Libraries

Throughout the United States, book banning is dramatically altering the complexion of the literary and social landscape. In a recent March publication, the American Library Association (ALA) reported a surge in book censorship attempts in 2023. Compared to the prior year, public schools and libraries encountered over 1600 more title challenges, amounting to 4240 total contested works. The Office for Intellectual Freedom, the ALA’s department tasked with intellectual freedom education, disclosed data showing prevalent restrictive efforts against both institutions. While […]

Free Help for Your Tax Needs in Massachusetts

April 15 is a big day for millions of people in America. It is Tax Day, the deadline for people to file their taxes for the previous year. Taxes  play a very important role in our society. Besides being the main source of funding for our government, taxes also provide billions of dollars in aid every year to working class people and families.  We see the effects of our taxes every day: in our roads, our social services, and in […]

After Devastating Taiwan Quake, U.S. Northeast Jolted by Small Shake

On April 3, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck Hualien County, Taiwan. Taiwan is located in the hub area where the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Subplate converge. The tectonic environment is very complex and it is one of the most seismically active regions in the world. This earthquake is the first earthquake of magnitude 7 or above to occur in 17 years since the 2006 magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Pingtung, Taiwan also the highest magnitude earthquake since […]

Forecast: Boston’s Sea Level Rise to Double in 15 Years

Since 1950, Boston has witnessed an 8-inch increase in sea level, a trend that has gained momentum over the past decade. The current rate of rise stands at approximately 1 inch every 8 years, a measurement derived from the meticulous data which is gathered every 6 minutes using advanced technologies, including satellites, floating buoys, and tidal gauges. These tools enable scientists to monitor local sea level changes with precision, capturing the accelerating pace of rise. Over the last ten years, […]

Darkness at Noon: The Solar Eclipse

As the world gears up for a captivating event in the skies, the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, is shaping up to be an extraordinary spectacle. This natural phenomenon, characterized by the moon passing between the Earth and the sun, will cast a mesmerizing shadow over certain regions, plunging them into darkness during the day. It serves as a vivid reminder of the vastness of space and our place within it, inviting onlookers to marvel at the wonders […]

Kung Fu Panda 4 Continues the Furry Franchise

There is a new installment of the Kung Fu Panda comedy/adventure animated film series and its continuing to blow audiences away with its marvelous story, superb voice acting, and stellar music! Kung Fu Panda 4 continues the tale of Po (voiced by Jack Black, The Holiday, School of Rock) who improbably becomes the “Dragon Warrior” –a master of kung fu. Po is a giant panda and in this film is chosen to be the spiritual warrior of the Valley of […]

Chromic Duo Played an Emotional, Innovative Show at Crystal Ballroom

Chromic Duo made up of Lucy Yao and Dorothy Chan, performed at the Crystal Ballroom on Friday March 22nd, as a part of the Celebrity Series of Boston’s Stave Sessions and this was not the oft pictured typical classical piano concert! They played on toy pianos, a toy xylophone, a synthesizer, as well as on a stand up piano to breathe fresh air into works, such as Ryuichi Sakamoto’s “Path of the Wind” from My Neighbor Totoro and wrapped up […]

The Resiliency of Irish-American Immigrants

St Patrick’s Day has come and gone. The parades are over. But behind the festivities is the proud history of the Irish Americans who arrived in America escaping famine and political victimization. Saint Patrick is known for bringing Christianity to Ireland.  He used Christianity to help him through his time as a slave and escaped back to Ireland. The most famous myth about St Patrick is that  he drove out all the snakes in Ireland. Although the reason for his […]

TikTok Faces a Possible U.S Ban

TikTok is currently facing a possible ban by U.S policymakers. This recent development, which has been a very controversial move and bold statement by the federal government, is subject to speculation and debate across multiple economic sectors. Lawmakers are currently examining the implications of this decision, considering the social, economic, racial, and free speech ramifications.   Over the past four years, TikTok has become an undeniable staple of American life and media consumption. The platform has had a tremendous influence in […]

The Crisis in Haiti, Explained

With additional reporting from Milourdes Augustin and Kery Forges EDITOR’S NOTE: The developing story of Haitian Prime Minister Aryel Henry’s March 11th resignation has resonated throughout the Haitian community stateside, especially the estimated 14,000 who have come to the Greater Boston area in the past few months.  The violence that has erupted in Haiti in recent weeks has been fueled by an explosive mix of government corruption, emboldened gangs and a string of natural disasters on the deeply traumatized Caribbean […]

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