March 7, 2025 | Vol. 54, Issue 5

The only bilingual Chinese-English Newspaper in New England

TikTok Faces a Possible U.S Ban

TikTok is currently facing a possible ban by U.S policymakers. This recent development, which has been a very controversial move and bold statement by the federal government, is subject to speculation and debate across multiple economic sectors. Lawmakers are currently examining the implications of this decision, considering the social, economic, racial, and free speech ramifications.  

Over the past four years, TikTok has become an undeniable staple of American life and media consumption. The platform has had a tremendous influence in popular culture, and is one of the foremost sites for users to exhibit their creativity and self-expression. ABC news reports that TikTok boasts more than 170 million U.S users, and tens of millions of these users spend an average of 82 minutes on the app per day. With such a large audience, TikTok has become a significant player in the music industry. They influence music discovery, talent promotion, cultural trends, and grant their content creators remarkable power to shape their own narratives and uniquely interact with their views. In response to the proposed bill, a spokesperson for the company stated that “this will damage millions of businesses, deny artists an audience and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country”(ABC news). The Influencer further points out the concerns raised about the potential loss of this platform in the context of expression and creativity. Citing the Washington Post, they write it plays an increasingly crucial role in the national economy and American public life”(Influencer). There is no doubt that banning TikTok would have lasting social implications. Community engagement, cultural influence, and individual expression would be severely impacted for Americans following the loss of the social media giant.  

A potential TikTok ban would come with substantial economic ramifications, particularly for small businesses, media influences, and the tech industry at large. TikTok has established itself as a very lucrative platform for both businesses and individuals, as millions rely on it for advertising, promotion, and generating revenue. Aspire insight underscores the economic significance of TikTok, highlighting the role it has played in creating and driving the influencer economy. TikTok has also posed a huge threat to U.S based tech and social media giants such as Google and Meta. Banning it would have devastating effects on the businesses and creators that rely on TikTok for their livelihoods, costing them millions of dollars. ABC news further points out that industries who advertise on the app and creators with their following on it would find it hard to replicate TikTok’s appeal on a different platform. The economic impact could extend beyond any one business and affect the way digital advertising, marketing, and e-commerce is handled. 

There is also a significant racial component to this TikTok ban. Accusations of racism and xenophobia have stemmed from the proposed bill, asserting that the reasons behind it are nothing more than anti-asian sentiment and threats from China’s growing economy. Other critics point out that there are real national security and data privacy concerns with the platform, but the cultural and national aspect of this debate cannot be ignored. The Intelligencer further points out the strategic implications of TikTok, stating that a study shows “a strong possibility that TikTok systematically promotes or demotes content on the basis of whether it is aligned with or opposed to the interests of the Chinese Government”(The Influencer). By suppressing keywords and topics that may reflect badly on the CCP, the Chinese government is able to propagate a curated image of themselves on a global scale, allowing them to further their interests very efficiently. Furthermore, this debate underscores the intersection of race, politics, and technology in shaping public discourse. ABC news points out the First Amendment implications of this policy, stating that the bill was “ an infringement on the right to express oneself freely”(ABC news). A potential ban of TikTok could result in a long legal battle on First Amendment grounds, with TikTok challenging the law as a violation of constitutionally protected rights to free speech and expression. 

The potential ban on TikTok raises significant concerns about freedom of expression and censorship in the digital age. Critics argue that banning TikTok infringes on constitutionally protected rights to free speech, while proponents cite national security concerns as justification for such measures. An article from ABC News explores the free speech considerations of a TikTok ban, noting the likelihood of legal challenges on First Amendment grounds. The debate over the balance between national security and civil liberties is complex, with potential implications for the future of online discourse and digital rights. Furthermore, as highlighted in an article from The Washington Post, concerns have been raised about TikTok’s alleged censorship practices and ties to the Chinese government. The free speech considerations extend beyond individual users to encompass broader questions about corporate responsibility, government oversight, and the regulation of online platforms.

In the digital age, boundaries around freedom of expression and censorship have been heavily blurred. Social media giants have been given essentially free reign to dictate what people can and cannot say, and what ideas can and cannot be discussed. Because they are privately owned, there is little the federal government can do to ensure that constitutional rights are upheld for every citizen on this app. TikTok argues that a ban on their platform would actually infringe on this constitutional right to free speech, stating that the app provides millions of creators a unique place to safely express themselves. However, other concerns about TikTok’s censorship practices and ties to the Chinese government make their free speech claims less credible. TikTok has knowingly suppressed information that could hurt the image of the CCP, and works closely with them to advance the Chinese Government’s interests in a manner that threatens U.S national security.

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