The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England hosted its annual banquet on Jan. 26 at Empire Garden, celebrating the Year of the Rat.

“CCBA is the backbone of the Chinese community. It provides services to people of all ages. Thank you for keeping this tradition alive. The city of Boston and all of our elected officials will continue to work together to support the great work you do here in Chinatown,” said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

Mayor Walsh also noted the new Josiah Quincy Upper School and more affordable housing projects in the neighborhood in the new year.

State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, Boston Councilor Ed Flynn, Councilor Michael Flaherty, Councilor Michelle Wu, Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Boston Director-general Douglas Hsu, Mayor Walsh, former CCBA president Paul Chan and new president Raymond Cheng joined all attendees in a toast for a prosperous new year.

New England Kung Fu Dance Group performed a kung fu dance and traditional Chinese drumming.